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Monday, February 10, 2014

Rust Never Sleeps Electrolysis Revisited

So the other day while driving into work on my day off - (yeah, I know...) I stopped at a garage sale. Hiding under piles and piles of useless stuff I found two block planes! I quickly snapped them up for our school shop. Oh, and to show you how bad the rest of the sale was, it was "buy two get one free" and I couldnt find a single other item worth it. Sheesh.

Anyway, one plane was a cheap Stanley 110 in decent shape. The other was a rather nice Craftsman model (made by Stanley) but almost totally encrusted with rust. The only hint that it had an adjustable mouth was the adjustment lever. You sure couldnt tell from looking at the sole.

Time for Electrolysis!

You can read my previous post about electrolysis to see my set-up etc. And as always, be careful!

Into the tub - Zap! Wipe it off and back in - Zap-O! Wipe it off again. "Hey! It really does have an adjustable mouth! But still rusted tight. Once more into the tub - Zap-a-reeno! Wipe off and, well I think Ill let the photos speak for themselves.

If it hadnt been getting dark (I do all my electrolysis outside) Id have done one more long zap to get every last little bit of rust off. But hey, its a user after all...

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